Last update: May 26, 2022

Refund Policy
After you have completed the test, you will be required to return the testing device to Blackstone in the
package provided. Once Blackstone receives your device, Blackstone will then conduct an accounting of
all testing costs, fees and payments made associated with your account. After you have returned the
device, you should contact your insurance company to determine what portion if any of the testing fee
is not covered by insurance and for which you are responsible. If the amount for which you are
responsible more than your initial payment to Blackstone, you will have a balance due. If the amount
for which you are responsible is less than your initial payment you made to Blackstone, you may be
entitled to an overpayment refund.

If Blackstone is holding any overpayment funds on your behalf, Blackstone will access an administrative
fee of $10.00 per month for every month in which Blackstone is holding any overpayment after the
conclusion of the sleep test. The administrative fee is necessary to cover the administrative expenses
incurred in conducting a final accounting and in maintaining your account. However, if you have an
overpayment being held by Blackstone, and you contact Blackstone within 90 days’ following the
conclusion of your test to request your refund, the administrative fee will be waived.
However, if after 90 days you have not contacted Blackstone to request your refund, all accrued
administrative fees will be applied to your account, and your credit balance will be deducted
accordingly.  Your account will thereafter continue to be assessed the monthly administrative fee until
your account balance reaches $0.00 or you contact Blackstone Medical Services to request the refund of
any overpayment you may have.

If Blackstone issues an overpayment refund check and you do not cash it within 90 days of issuance, the
check will thereafter be rendered void, the administrative fee will be applied to your account, and your
credit balance will be deducted accordingly.  Your account will thereafter continue to be assessed the
monthly administrative fee until your account balance reaches $0.00 or you contact Blackstone Medical
Services to request that we issue another check for the remaining credit balance. In the event
Blackstone Medical Services does issue a second check, this process will begin again until that check has
been cashed or your account reaches $0.00.